What time do the librarians come in?


Asked by Inservice Vai on Thu 6/30/16 10:47 AM Last edited Mon 12/14/20 11:45 AM
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Inservice Vai Thu 6/30/16 10:47 AM Last edited Mon 12/14/20 11:45 AM

The usual office hours of the Reference Librarians are posted by their office doors by the sign that says "Research Assistance". They are generally available from 8am to 5pm Monday through Fridays.

They are happy to respond to your emails at other times.

Please feel free to use the "Book-a-Librarian" link on the homepage to set up an appointment. 

You can also use the live chat on the homepage. If the button is green that means someone is waiting to answer your questions. 

Asked by Orkhon Erdenemunkh on Thu 6/30/16 4:47 PM
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