If you are getting messages to activate Office 365 or cannot use the full feature of Office 365. There are two ways to log in. Please scroll down and check the two ways to log in.
1. Launch any Office 365 application (Word, Excel or PowerPoint). In most cases, it will launch the screen to sign in. Click on Sign in or create an account. PLEASE USE YOUR BYUH Issued EMAIL ACCOUNT

2. This will redirect you to the Microsoft Sign-in page to Activate Office. Again, PLEASE USE YOUR BYUH Issued EMAIL ACCOUNT. It will be a or account.

3. It will ask you if it is a Work or School Account or Personal Account. Please choose Work or school account.
4. You will be redirected to the BYU-Hawaii Single Sign-on (SSO). Please login with your NetID and password.

5. You may now start using the application.
1. Select Sign in. Go to the top right corner of your Office application. In some versions, you will see it on the top left.

2. In the Sign in window, type your BYUH-issued email address

3. You will be redirected to the BYU-Hawaii Single Sign-on (SSO). Please login with your NetID and password.

4. You may now start using the application.