Canva is available to all BYU-Hawaii students. However, there is limited access to faculty and staff. The Faculty of Business and Government manages Canva software. For Faculty and Staff, please contact the Faculty of Business and Government.
To log in to Canva, go to
Click on Login in the top right corner of the page.
This window will pop out. Click on Continue with Email

Enter your BYUH Email address

On the next window, click on Log in with SSO

Some first-time users will get a message to create an account using SSO, go ahead and do that if you are a first-time user.
A message may also pop out to join Canva team ( or domain). Click Link Your Account to Team.

To verify you are in your BYUH Canva team on the left side you will see BYU Hawaii Students for students and BYU Hawaii Staff/Faculty.