OIT Project Proposal


Project proposal template, with instructions on how to fill it out.


Use the OIT Project Proposal for all your project proposal needs.

You can download the template here

The purpose of this document is to standardize project proposals, and get as much information as succinctly as possible to one page. This helps us focus on what's really at stake. The document has several sections:


(State the opportunity, problem, need, or issue clearly and simply in one sentence.)


(This is the "bottom line." Put the key recommendations in one or two sentences. These are to be clear, simple action statements of what to do--not how to do it. Do not include the reasons or the justification-just what you recommend be done. Note that all recommendations should be made with the best interest of the whole university in mind.)


  • Change the focus of from ... to ....
  • Develop a system to .
  • Consider dropping the and adding a ...
  • Move ... from ... to )


(Simply state the advantages of the proposed change. Who will be benefited and how? How long will it take to recover the cost of the change? How will this benefit the university? Distinguish between what is fact and what is estimate. Present this information in a spirit of informing rather than of persuading the decision makers.)

Possible Concerns

(List here any difficulties or concerns that are relevant to the proposal. Here is where you note any opposing views or challenges that might affect the decision. What is the down-side risk? What is the worst thing that can happen? If you had to argue the other side of this question, what would you say? Again, be clear, simple, and factual. Indicate what you know and what you don't know that may be relevant.)


(In one sentence each, list two or three compelling reasons for the proposed change. Make these factual, not wishful or statements of opinion. These should be easily agreed to by all parties--those who agree with the recommendations and those who don't. There should be no argument about the background of the issue.)

This is the end of the first page. Keep the above information to one page of 12-point type.


Supporting Material

(One or two pages of reference material may be attached, but the above page must be able to stand on its own. The reference material could include survey data, estimated costs, brief rationale, a simple graph or chart showing how the proposed idea would work, legal implications, or perhaps a flow chart of implementation steps. These pages may or may not be used by the decision-making person or group.)