Setup Password Recovery Options


Password Recovery options are now available through the Quicklaunch portal.

To access and update them,

Login to

Click on your username in the upper right corner

Select My Account

Select the option you wish to update

It is recommended to complete more than one recovery method. Each one has pros and cons regarding them.

Security Questions - Requires you to remember EXACTLY the way the answers are entered. Capitalizations and spaces matter. When entering your answers, it is best to click on the "eye" to view what you are typing.

Email Recovery - Requires that you have access to the account you enter on a device that you have with you.

Phone Recovery - Requires that you have your phone with you and that your carrier allows these text messages

Authenticator - This is the quickest and easiest method to get through. Either Google or Microsoft Authenticators are equally simple to setup and use. You may use a tablet or a phone to install the Authenticator app on.

Be sure to click on Submit to save your update before moving to the next method.



Article ID: 27449
Tue 3/14/17 5:23 PM
Wed 4/24/24 4:25 PM