How to determine if you qualify for BYU-Hawaii Student Medical Benefit, how to enroll, Student/Married couple fee and person of contact?

Asked by Inservice Vai on Wed 6/15/16 10:46 AM Last edited Thu 12/19/19 2:46 PM
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Call Center Help Desk Tue 12/15/20 8:58 AM

The BYU–Hawaii Student Medical Benefit


All students registered with 12 credits including one face-to-face class on campus per semester are automatically enrolled in the BYU-Hawaii Student Medical Benefit with no additional charge.

International Students

International students are required to add all their dependent(s) to the BYUH student medical plan.
If you drop below the full-time credits required without an approved reduced load, you and your dependents are automatically terminated from the student medical benefit. If you choose a 3rd party insurance, please read the 3rd party insurance coverage information for you and your family.

Domestic Students

Domestic students may add their dependent(s) to the BYU–Hawaii student medical plan.
If you drop below the full-time credits required, you and your dependent(s) are automatically terminated from the student medical benefit and will not be eligible to enroll in the student medical benefit until the following open enrollment in the Fall semester. If you are not going to be a student in any semester; you need to advise the Student Medical Benefit office so that your family plan can be terminated and charges will not be posted in your account.
To enroll dependent(s) to the BYU–Hawaii student medical benefit, come to the Student Medical Benefit office located at Aloha Center Room 137 to complete the enrollment form.

Maternity insurance is included for married, full-time students who are enrolled in the plan. Contact the Health Services for information about special contract prices for prenatal care and deliveries. Benefits for all services outside the Health Center are based on the lesser of billed charges, contracted rates, or the maximum allowable charges for the services received as determined by DMBA.

For more information view the Student Medical Benefit handbook.

We hope that your educational experience at BYU–Hawaii will be a safe and enjoyable one. If you have any additional questions feel free to email Beth Martin or call Health Services at (808) 675-3512.

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