What is the NEW Restaurant located in the Hukilau Marketplace at the Polynesian Cultural Center


Asked by Pauni Tapu on Thu 6/16/16 1:45 PM Last edited Thu 6/16/16 2:09 PM
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Answer (1)

Pauni Tapu Thu 6/16/16 2:09 PM

Pounders and the rest of the Polynesian Cultural Center’s new Hukilau Marketplace celebrate a unique heritage that has attracted millions of people to our small community of Laie over the past 150 years. Our restaurant’s name reflects Pounders Beach, a popular bodysurfing spot located about a half-mile down Kamehameha Highway. Everybody calls it that because waves there can break fiercely on the shore.

Over 100 years ago, however, ships docked on the calmer side of the bay to offload passengers — King Kalakaua and his royal entourage were among many. It was the only dock for miles around, and the old pilings can still be seen. It was also Laie’s port for shipping local sugar and other products, even cattle.

Today, Pounders represents a new perspective on hosting guests and offering local specialties that are both rustic but refined, and familiar with a twist cuisine. We serve produce fresh from island farms, Hawaii-raised beef, locally caught seafood, savory delights from the Pacific Rim, and we bake distinctive Hawaiian-style pizzas in our kiawe-fired brick oven imported from Napoli.

Mai ‘ai — welcome to Pounders. Enjoy a delicious meal in the newest traditions of old Laie.


For reservations, call 808 293-3287 or click here to reserve  a table now!

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