What is the cost of the Kamaaina annual pass?

Asked by Pauni Tapu on Fri 6/17/16 9:01 AM
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Answer (1)

Pauni Tapu Fri 6/17/16 9:29 AM Last edited Fri 6/17/16 9:39 AM

The Kamaaina Annual Pass is valid for 1 year from the date of purchase.  Kamaaina's (must have a valid Hawaii ID) and register for the Ohana Club at www.pcckamaaina.com to purchase  pass.  Cost for Adults is $29.84 and Children 5-11 yrs is $23.88 taxes inclusive.  The Kamaaina pass holder receives 1 free admission to the villages and night show daily but must show ID and pass at ticket booth on day of attendance. The prices and requirements are subject to change.

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