If I can’t make the full payment for my Student Contribution at the beginning of each academic year, what are my options?
Answer (1)
Students are given the flexibility of choosing to split their Student Contribution (SC) in 2 or 3 semesters. For example, if student A has an annual SC of $600 and cannot make the full payment before the Fall semester starts the student can split the SC into 3 semesters, in which, $200 will be due before the Fall, Winter, and Spring semester starts.
Also another option for students who cannot fully pay their family contribution is to do a payroll deduction. For I-WORK students, they must contact their counselors regarding their payroll deduction. For instance, if a student has $600 in total to make for the whole year as a family contribution, they can divide that $600 by three semesters which will leave them with $200 per semester. The I-WORK counselors will provide information of what to be done in order for students to be eligible for the payroll deduction as a payment form towards this matter. You may need to sign a form to approve any activities that will be done towards your paycheck in order to help pay your family contribution for a semester.