If I can’t make the full payment for my Student Contribution at the beginning of each academic year, what are my options?

Asked by Inservice Vai on Wed 6/22/16 11:57 AM
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Answer (1)

Call Center Help Desk Thu 12/19/19 2:44 PM

Students are given the flexibility of choosing to split their Student Contribution (SC) in 2 or 3 semesters. For example, if student A has an annual SC of $600 and cannot make the full payment before the Fall semester starts the student can split the SC into 3 semesters, in which, $200 will be due before the Fall, Winter, and Spring semester starts.

Also another option for students who cannot fully pay their family contribution is to do a payroll deduction. For I-WORK students, they must contact their counselors regarding their payroll deduction. For instance, if a student has $600 in total to make for the whole year as a family contribution, they can divide that $600 by three semesters which will leave them with $200 per semester. The I-WORK counselors will provide information of what to be done in order for students to be eligible for the payroll deduction as a payment form towards this matter. You may need to sign a form to approve any activities that will be done towards your paycheck in order to help pay your family contribution for a semester. 

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