What is the Travel Policy?
Answer (1)
Whenever an IWORK student leaves the island of O’ahu or takes time off from work we consider this travel/vacation. We understand that students might need to travel for personal reasons (e.g. visit family/friends, wedding, etc.), however, travel must not interfere with their scheduled classes. In order for us to make sure that our IWORK students are fulfilling their responsibilities both at school and work the following process must take place in order for a student to travel.
All travel must first be approved by an IWORK counselor BEFORE tickets are purchased. Travel information and reasons for travel should be explained using the IWORK Request for Travel Form.
A flight itinerary must be submitted to confirm the dates of travel after approval has been received. Students are responsible for their own travel cost. (NO Buddy passes allowed)
In order for students to travel they will need to meet 5 criteria:
- Must be enrolled for 2 consecutive semesters before they can request to travel
- Must get approval signature from their employment supervisor/manager and HR
- Must be current with their BYU-Hawaii financial student account
- Must be in good academic standing
- Travel must not interfere with scheduled classes
Travel requests should not be longer than two weeks. Traveling for more than two weeks is highly discouraged for several reasons:
- Empoyers of IWORK students (PCC) have travel policies that do not allow for students to take more than two weeks off.
- IWORK students have committed to assist with the cost of their education through continuous employment.
- The University is paying for facilities and resources (e.g. Housing and a meal plan) that are not being used while the student is traveling.