How can I make payments?
Asked by Inservice Vai
on Thu 6/23/16 10:37 AM
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Inservice Vai
Thu 6/23/16 10:38 AM
Online Payments
To make a payment online follow these steps:
- Log onto
- Click on Student ( Near the Top)
- Click on Student Center
- Click on Make a Payment ( Under Finances)
- Click on "Make a Payment" Icon (POP UP BLOCK MUST BE DISABLED)
- Enter Amount to be paid
- Enter Payment type (Credit card/E-check)
Or, if you are an Authorized payer, click here.
In-Person Payments
Methods of payment used to make transactions at the Cashier's Office:
- Travelers' Check
- Wire Transfer
- Cash
- Personal check
- Money order
- Cashier's check
- Credit card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express or Discover) or Debit card
Other Payment Methods
Credit Card Payment by Phone:
- The person whose name appears on the card is the person making the call.
- The student I.D. number of the student receiving credit must be known.
- Cashier phone numbers: (808) 675-3718, (808) 675-3724 or (808) 675-3720
Payment by Mail:
BYUH# Box 1955
55-220 Kulanui street
Laie, HI 96762
Credit Card Payments by Secured Fax Line: 808-675-3346
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