What is cash refund policy?
Answer (1)
The following clarifies BYU–Hawaii policy regarding when cash refunds will be provided to students receiving scholarships and awards, loans, grants, book grants or other university payments. Click here to expand.
Sponsored (GIA / IWES) Students:
GIA (Grant-in-aid) and IWES (International Work Experience Scholarship) awards for tuition, housing, and insurance are made directly to student accounts to cover current charges. No refunds will be made for these awards.
GIA and IWES book grants may be refunded, providing the student has no other unpaid charges.
Certain other scholarships and awards made to GIA and IWES students may be refunded. Each academic year a GIA or IWES student may keep the first $1,000 of scholarships or awards earned. Any amount greater than $1,000 will be used to reduce the GIA / IWES awards previously awarded. The first $1,000 of other awards in an academic year may be refunded to the student to the extent they exceed any other unpaid charges.
Short-term student loans may be refunded to the extent they exceed unpaid charges.
Non-Sponsored Students:
Scholarships and awards, grants, and loans administered by BYU–Hawaii may be refunded to students to the extent that they exceed unpaid charges.
A form of Refunds:
Refunds of Credit balances in student accounts (a credit balance indicates payments and awards in excess of unpaid charges) will be issued in the form of a check on the following Thursday or Monday. Checks may be deposited into students bank accounts, cashed at the Bank of Hawaii, or cashed at the Cashiers window subject to the Check Cashing Policy. University ID will be required for all refund transactions.