What are examples of tuition at other U.S. universities?

Asked by Inservice Vai on Thu 6/30/16 9:41 AM
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Inservice Vai Thu 6/30/16 9:41 AM

From the College Board, average tuition and fees for the 2011-­2012 school year:

-­‐ Avg. private, non-­profit 4-year college: $28,500
-­‐ Avg. public 4-year college: $8,244 in state; $12,526 out of state

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Christopher Alonzo Tue 2/12/19 2:13 PM


Type of College Average Published Yearly Tuition and Fees
Public Two-Year College (in-district students) $3,440
Public Four-Year College (in-state students) $9,410
Public Four-Year College (out-of-state students) $23,890
Private Four-Year College $32,410
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