What if I already have an approved MAP?

Asked by Inservice Vai on Thu 6/30/16 9:42 AM
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Inservice Vai Thu 6/30/16 9:42 AM

Students graduating in 2012 – all can graduate without appeal. Just apply now for graduation.

Students graduating in 2013 – all with an approved MAP of 10 semesters or fewer can graduate without appeal.* Just be sure to stay on track. Mapped for more than 10 semesters? Please see your advisor to fill out an appeal. Are you a transfer student? Please see your advisor to check your status.

*Note: Students participating in the I-­WORK financial aid program receive their funding with an agreement to graduate in nine semesters. This has been a condition since the program’s inception and will continue.

Students graduating in 2014 or later – all with an approved MAP of nine semesters or fewer can graduate without appeal. Just be sure to stay on track. Mapped for more than nine semesters? Please see an advisor to fill out an appeal.

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