What if I need to repeat a class?
Asked by Inservice Vai
on Thu 6/30/16 9:55 AM
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Inservice Vai
Thu 6/30/16 9:55 AM
While the registration system will block students from registering themselves for a repeated course, students can repeat classes, if needed. Please go see an advisor to register for a repeated course. They will help you adjust your MAP to fit this into your allotted semesters. There is a limit of 12 credits of repeated coursework. At times repeating may be the best choice, but there are consequences. Repeating more classes will use up a student’s allotment of semesters available, eventually possibly limiting the options available for graduation.
For more information, visit academics.byuh.edu/9SIR or see your Academic Advisor. To share any additional questions/concerns, please visit www.facebook.com/byuhsac.
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