How do I reserve a group study room?

Asked by Inservice Vai on Thu 6/30/16 10:44 AM
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Inservice Vai Thu 6/30/16 10:44 AM
  1. Click on "Group Study Room Reservations" on the library homepage on the left menu. 
  2. Login using your CES NetID, click on the room and time you want, and make your reservation. 
  3. You can only reserve for one hour at a time and can be made for today and tomorrow only. 
  4. Please no food/drink. Walls are not soundproof so please keep noise to a minimum. 

For special circumstances, please call Becky DeMartini at 675-3946.

Also, we now have a 46" monitor to hook up your laptop to in room 178 for group presentations and study sesstions. Mac adapters are available at the Reference Desk. 

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