What services are offered in Counseling Service?

Asked by Inservice Vai on Thu 6/30/16 11:20 AM
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Inservice Vai Thu 6/30/16 11:20 AM


CounselingMission Statement

The stewardship of BYU–Hawaii Counseling Services is to support students in achieving personal growth and to assist them in resolving psychological and social problems that hinder their progress in life. We accomplish this by combining professional excellence with a caring and supportive attitude, a culturally sensitive perspective, and the eternal principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Counseling Services Brochure PDF

Counseling Services offers a wide range of programs and services for BYU-Hawaii students. These include:

The Student Counseling Services is located in Room 181 of the McKay Building. It provides individuals, couple, and group counseling by mental health professionals. A licensed psychologist also administers or supervises psychological and psycho-educational testing. Counseling Services emphasizes proactive support, assisting students on a regular basis to prevent significant problems.

We offer a volunteer tutor network, services for students with special needs, and a variety of programs for Pacific Islanders, women, married students and their dependents, and other student groups. These services help students increase their coping capacities, facilitate personal growth, and reduce stress and dysfunction.

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