What is EIL Minor?
Asked by Inservice Vai
on Thu 6/30/16 11:46 AM
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Inservice Vai
Thu 6/30/16 11:46 AM
The EIL minor is earned when students complete 9 credit hours of Academic English level EIL courses (300 level), English 101, 201, & 315 (or Senior Seminar), all with a C- or better. Students who test out of EIL or who have less than 9 credit hours of Advanced courses may purchase EIL credits to meet the 9 hour requirement. Currently, the cost is only $5 per credit.
The EIL minor shows that students have achieved a university level of proficiency in the English language, and it will strengthen a student’s resume for future employment.
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Call Center Help Desk
Mon 12/14/20 11:21 AM
For EIL certificate program requirements please refer to this site EIL Certificate
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