This is my first semester in college. What classes should I take?
Answer (1)
First you will want to explore what majors are available at BYU-Hawaii. Click here to see a List of Majors. You will be able to see a Major Requirement Sheet (MRS) for each major. You will also be able to see a sample Major Academic Plan (MAP) for each major. This MAP will show you how you can finish your major within your allotment of nine semesters in residence at BYU-Hawaii.
All students will need to complete the General Education classes. A suggestion of classes is listed below. Select any combination of classes between 12-14 credits. Students are permitted to register for up to 18 credits, but it is not recommended for new Freshmen. Click here to see the list of GE requirements. Classes to start with might include:
Student Development 101 "An Introduction to University Life"
Math 107 or Statistics or Calculus (Math 110 may be needed for Business majors and Math 100 might be a helpful preparation for those not ready for Math 107)
A foreign language
English 101
GE 100 Local Communities: Principles of Civic & Moral Engagement
GE 110 Critical Inquiry and Analysis
GE 120 Scientific Reasoning
A "Social Science" breadth course (Anthropology, Communications, etc.)
A "Humanities & Culture" breadth course (Art, Music, etc.)
A "Science & Technology" breadth course (Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Physical Science, etc.)
An Exercise Science/PE class
A Religion Core class or Rel 100 for those of other faiths
These types of classes are often a good place to start, but be sure to also take a class or two in a major that you might be interested in pursuing.
All students will also need to complete seven Religious Education classes. If you are not LDS, then start with REL 100 Introduction to Mormonism. You may only take one Religion class during a semester. The Religion Core includes: The Eternal Family, Foundations of the Restoration, Jesus Christ and the Everlasting Gospel, and The Teachings and Doctrine of the Book of Mormon.