How can I decide what major and career is right for me?
Asked by Inservice Vai
on Thu 6/30/16 11:52 AM
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Inservice Vai
Thu 6/30/16 11:52 AM
There are some helpful online tools and information available through BYU-Hawaii Career Services. Take some time to think through your future with Focus 2. Plan 1-2 hours to complete this online assement that will help you see which major and career paths might be a good fit for you.
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There is also the academic advising office that have wonderful academic advisors willing and always available to help plan your classes according to what you want to do and where you want your education to take you to the desired job of your choosing. However, going to the academic advising is always optional, but if you need help in creating a 'mapper', a detailed outline of your classes and semesters here in BYUH, you can always go to the academic advising office or any of the academic advisor for assistance.
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