How do I request a room change?

Asked by Inservice Vai on Thu 6/30/16 12:10 PM
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Inservice Vai Thu 6/30/16 12:10 PM

All room changes must take place during the room allocation period. If there is a room transfer period, it will be at the beginning of Fall and Winter Semesters. In order to request a change please talk to your Hale coordinator during the room allocation period. There are NO room changes for Summer.

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Aram Francisco Centeno Thu 12/20/18 1:43 PM

Residents are NOT allowed to move to another room or change room until Summer. For females, those who have 55 credits and above can move to Hale 10, if desired. 

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Aram Francisco Centeno Thu 12/20/18 1:31 PM

Remember that this involves 50$ processing fee


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