What are the transportation in the community?



Asked by Inservice Vai on Thu 6/30/16 12:18 PM
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Inservice Vai Thu 6/30/16 12:18 PM Last edited Mon 12/14/20 9:30 AM


Transportation Laie is located 38 miles from Honolulu, and can be reached via the scenic Kamehameha highway. The speed limit in most single-lane highways in the island is 35 mph. Therefore, under normal traffic conditions it takes about one hour to reach Honolulu by car.

New residents may have their cars shipped to Hawaii from Los Angeles, Oakland, or Seattle. The shipping companies give preference to major cargo, and use only the leftover space in their ships for cars. Because of that, they do not offer fast deliveries nor precise scheduling. Under normal conditions it takes between 4 to 6 weeks for a car to arrive in Honolulu. For more information, check shipping companies such as Matson or Horizon Lines.

Once in Hawaii, a car must be registered locally. For more information, check Honolulu's Division of Motor Vehicles and Licensing

The island has quite an effective public bus system, called "TheBus", and it offers air-conditioned buses that run every 30 minutes on weekdays and every hour on weekends.

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