What is alumni membership card?

Asked by Inservice Vai on Thu 6/30/16 4:23 PM
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Inservice Vai Thu 6/30/16 4:23 PM

Alumni Membership Card

Upon graduation, you become a lifetime member of the BYU-Hawaii Alumni Association. Your membership is free! As alumni, you are part of a network of over 60,000 affiliates of BYU-Hawaii who are a support to the University and each other.

Alumni membership cards are available through the BYU-Hawaii Alumni Services Office (located on-campus in the Aloha Center), Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm Hawaii time. Call (808) 675-3648 or email alumni@byuh.edu if you have questions about obtaining an alumni membership card. Otherwise, you can obtain a membership card by using theUpdate Your Info link (check the Yes option under the alumni membership card question).


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