What are the employee's responsibilities to review and edit time?
Asked by Ryan Garcia
on Wed 10/5/16 9:33 AM
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Ryan Garcia
Wed 10/5/16 9:33 AM
Last edited Thu 12/26/19 8:59 AM
Employees have the primary responsibility to ensure their time is correctly recorded and submitted to their supervisor for approval. Time should be submitted at the end of each week. If an employee has“unmatched time” (missing punch) that is not corrected by the end of the pay period, the employee will not be paid for the entire pay period. Please check your time!
View time:Workday > Time
Submit time for approval: Workday > Last week > submit
Consult supervisor or manager when you are going to change your time. If not, send them an email to inform about your time change so there are no misunderstandings.
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