How can I join The Ohana Club-Polynesian Cultural Centre
Asked by Lucy Jane Gorniak
on Fri 10/13/17 5:45 PM
Last edited Thu 12/19/19 2:38 PM
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Call Center Help Desk
Thu 12/19/19 2:35 PM
Last edited Thu 12/19/19 2:39 PM
This discount club is for Kama’aina (Hawaii residents). This program is completely FREE to join and provides local residents with exclusive offers and deals to visit the Polynesian Cultural Center and the Hukilau Marketplace.
This is the link to join-
You can also walk in to the Box Office where you usually pick up your tickets and sign up manually by asking one of the employees to help you but must bring your state ID, Hawaii Driving License or any proof of resident here in Hawaii.
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