What is Besmart?

Bemsart is the LDS church application page for BYU schools. 

https://www.lds.org/church-education/apply-to-church-schools - This link can be used to access Be smart or just typing 'Be smart' into a search engine, such as -Google 

All prospective students are to apply for their chosen BYU, through Besmart. You will make a username and apply for your school online. 


Tags admissions besmart apply BYU
Asked by Lucy Jane Gorniak on Thu 10/12/17 2:58 PM
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Answer (1)

Call Center Help Desk Thu 12/19/19 1:52 PM Last edited Mon 12/14/20 12:57 PM

BeSmart is a website for LDS Church application. This link can be used for applicants to help them apply for school either at BYU-Provo, BYU-Idaho, BYU-Hawaii, BYU Pathway or LDS Business. All of the prospective students or applicants may choose their own school they want through this link. You will need a username and a password to create in order to complete your application. 

you can click on the BeSmart link




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