Software Purchase Request

Use this form to request approval before purchasing any software or online subscription, irrespective of the associated cost

Before submitting this request:

  • Consult with your Technical Solutions Analyst, who will assist in this process
  • Review our Software Index to see if we might already have a product that would meet your needs
  • Be prepared to answer the following questions:
    • What is the annual cost?
    • What are you trying to accomplish with this product?
    • Will any personal identifying information be collected, presented, or shared?
    • What are the hardware requirements?
    • Does this product require additional devices to function (i.e. a server)?
    • Does this product obligate the university in any way?
  • You will use your department credit card to cover the cost if approved. Purchasing will verify with OIT that this request was completed.

Failure to submit this request prior to purchase may result in:

  • loss of PCard privileges
  • a request to return the item
  • zero support for the item purchased
  • request to reimburse university funds


I understand


Service ID: 49619
Tue 5/9/23 4:10 PM
Mon 7/8/24 7:46 AM